Who Should Pay Alimony and How Much?

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Alimony is money paid to one ex-spouse by the other due to a financial disparity between the two parties at the time of divorce. Alimony is usually decided at the time of the divorce, but prenuptial agreements may also include provisions for alimony payments. Alimony can be in the form of monthly payments or a lump sum. While most alimony cases only last for a few months or years, recipients of permanent alimony can receive payments for the rest of their lives in certain cases.

Who Must Pay Alimony?

Alimony may be ordered to be paid by either the former husband or wife in the divorce decree. Judges in Florida divorce proceedings use a two-part test to determine if alimony is a possibility. The first part of this test assesses the potential recipient’s need for alimony. If it is determined that alimony is necessary, the judge will then assess the potential payer’s ability to afford alimony payments. If both parts of the eligibility test are passed, the judge then decides how much the receiving spouse will collect.

How Much are Alimony Payments?

There is no hard rule to determine the amount of alimony payments in Florida, but the state does believe spouses have a legal obligation to financially support each other, even if the marriage ends in divorce. Alimony is intended to allow the receiving spouse to maintain the same standard of living they had during the marriage after its dissolution. For example, if one spouse stayed home to raise children, then their alimony payments should allow them to maintain that same lifestyle.

The amount required to maintain that lifestyle will vary from case to case. An experienced alimony attorney will know exactly what expenses should be presented to the court when making decisions about alimony. On the other hand, an attorney should also know what expenses should not be counted when determining alimony payment amounts.

Am I Eligible for Alimony Payments?

Don’t leave money on the table during your divorce… trust Caveda Law Firm to handle your alimony request quickly and competently. We will make sure all of the relevant information is presented in court so that you get the maximum amount you are entitled to under Florida state law. Call (813) 463-0800 or contact us online to schedule a free consultation about your divorce case with our team of experienced Tampa Bay divorce attorneys today.